Review: “Agnosia of Omens” by Bacterial Husk (8th Anniversary)

Having only formed a year prior, the debut record “Agnosia of Omens” from Boston Massachusetts Grinding Death Thrash orientated five piece Bacterial Husk was released in 2016 to rapturous reviews. Accompanied by artwork from Mark Richards (Revocation, Napalm Death, Pig Destroyer) at Heavy Hand Illustration it was recorded, mixed and mastered by Will Killingsworth (Lifeless Dark, Portrayal Of Guilt, Full Of Hell)  at Dead Air Studios… and was followed by a seven year prison sentence of a wait for their debut album “Anthropogenic Ruin”, from which a demo of “Mystics of Transmutation” surfaced in 2018. As we all know, sometimes life gets in the way of both dreams and nightmares although with other projects in Stagnater, Razormaze, Scattered Remnants and Cadaveryne growing concerns we can cut them a little slack. It’s time to get in the DeLorean with Doc Brown and return to where it all began…

A record which harks back to the 1980’s Death Metal scene, when everyone had a secret pocket inside their sleeveless denim waistcoat in which to keep cassettes while drinking and moshing, the raw edged quality of “Agnosia of Omens” floats on a black cloud just above a demo. That gives it an ocean of nostalgic charm, as does the slightly warped riffage of opening cut “Sculpting the Locust Deity“. That might be by design, like the presence of a shadow in a psychological horror movie but either way it doesn’t stop the track from being a vicious Death Thrash masterclass with some deranged lyrics courtesy of original vocalist Kyle Wilkins (Immobilizer, Upheaval, Zero Survive). The Death Groove packed “Pheromones Diminish” continues the flow of blood from the eyes with an almost feral vocal performance that threatens to boil over and descend into absolute carnage before the speed machine that is “Leech Carriage” takes the flaming baton. A blistering inferno of fretboard smouldering riffs, it has moments of blasting from Nick Lazzaro infused with it’s Thrash and Hardcore Punk stylings to leave you wondering what exactly you just heard because it’s pure controlled anarchy. Vocally demonic with some clever use of layering to combine some shriller moments with brutal death growls “Dismal Shine of Famine” has a solo of which Gary Holt would be proud as it ploughs a furrow though the brain from ear canal to ear canal. Having a it’s black beating heart on of those creepy and yet fearfully addictive riffs means it’s one that will call you back to the abyss time and again. Unleashing an all out rampaging onslaught for the grand finale “Exalted Through A Vanish Prime” is takes everything you know and love and forces it through a meat grinder. A vicious little ditty with some putrid lyrics, this one dines on the soul having lead you to collapse in a sweaty mess after a circle pit with some incredible riffs, the haunting final notes a moment to savour. [8.5/10]

Track Listing

  1. Sculpting the Locust Deity
  2. Pheromones Diminish
  3. Leech Carriage
  4. Dismal Shine of Famine
  5. Exalted Through A Vanish Prime

Agnosia of Omens” by Bacterial Husk was released on 23rd September 2016 and is available over at bandcamp.

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