NEWS: Eldingar light the torch!

Greek Black Metal collective Eldingar have offered up another virgin sacrifice from their upcoming new album. Delving into themes of the dissolution of armies and the rejection of power, while exploring emotional liberation from submission, “Lysistrata” is the title given that release set for 1st November via Vinyl Store. Drawing inspiration from ancient Greek philosophy and building on the foundations of 2021 debut “Maenads“ this one is called “Ares“…

The band comment: ““ARES” is an ancient hymn classified among the Homeric Hymns that contains a call of peace.Perhaps the god of war, Ares, is not as warlike as he is often misunderstood to be. Instead, he oversees the warlike qualities the soul needs to develop to survive with dignity and philanthropy. All people fight this battle for themselves and their loved ones, so in a peaceful environment, they can develop their spiritual capabilities and free themselves from the cave of ignorance. Once they see the light, they can return to free others.”

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