NEWS: The Mosaic Window strike while the iron is hot!

As with the finest Melodic Blackened Death Metal “Hemasanctum” is a piece of cryptic writing from The Mosaic Window which hides it’s true form behind annihilating blast beats and razor sharp riffs. A concept album that examines shared trials and tribulations, it has memorable melodic moments, black metal aggression and cathartic slowdowns. The Los Angeles based group have shared a second single in “Ash Like Anvils” ahead of the release via Willowtip Records on 15th November…

The Mosaic Window mastermind, Andrew Steven Brown, released the following statement concerning the album: “Hemasanctum is a concept album that explores my current thoughts on life, relationships (parent-child), and loss. While it may or may not be obvious, the album starts with a song about birth and ends with a song about death. In between are songs intentionally out of order (like the roller-coaster timeline we all experience) subtly relating to topics like self-awareness, mental health, abortion, religion, and grief.

This album is the first Mosaic Window record to feature a real drummer – Gabe Seeber of Abigail Williams, Vale of Pnath, Obscura (live), Decrepit Birth (live), Carach Angren (live), and many more. Additionally, I am still in awe that there are two guest solos from the legendary (and possibly my favorite) guitarist Andy LaRocque. Both Andy and Gabe absolutely nailed their parts, and I couldn’t be more elated for their presence on the record.

Hemasanctum was written and recorded between October 2023 – February 2024 at my home studio, and mixed by Damian Herring over the Summer of 2024. I am so proud of this album, and hope listeners can appreciate it too. Cheers!

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