NEWS: Sakahiter warn of ancient war rituals, sacrifices and the invocation of arcane deities!

Offering the chance to experience the rage and mysticism of a lost era, “Samnite Black Metal” from Sakahiter promises to immerse listeners in the dark, ancestral rituals of the Samnites, an ancient warrior people from southern Italy. A second single from the upcoming album “Ver Sacrum” has surfaced ahead of the 7th February via Time To Kill Records arrival of the album, a portrait in Blackened Death Metal.

The band comment: “The Ver Sacrum, or Sacred Spring, was a social and religious ritual practiced by many ancient peoples, including the Samnites. It involved relocating part of the community to establish new colonies. Whenever the urban center reached its maximum demographic limit, to ensure the community’s survival, all crops, animals, and humans born in the following spring were dedicated to one of the gods. The first fruits were consumed in ritual feasts, animals were sacrificed, and children, from that moment, were raised as sacrati — protected by the gods — until adulthood. Upon coming of age, fully equipped with weapons, they were compelled to emigrate and establish new settlements elsewhere. These migrations were not always met with friendly receptions, often leading to battles for the conquest of new lands.”

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