NEWS: Unbound Terror smell something rotten…
Whether or not it’s the years first April Fools joke or not remains to been seen but produced and recorded by the band’s own Vicente J Payá (Golgotha, Sons Of Cult) and mixed and mastered by Davide Billia (Avulsed, Holycide, Posthuman Abomination), “Something Is Rotten In Humanity” by Unbound Terror is said to have a 1st April release date via Xtreem Music. Cover artwork created by Juan Castellano (Furnace, Vomitory, Ribspreader) and a first single in “Reviving” have appeared from the Spanish Death Metal act, who first emerged from the wreckage of Putrefact Monstruosity in 1991. After a twenty six year hiatus, Payá resurrected the band in 2019, unveiling a compilation of re-recordings in “Infernal Judgment” a year later. A full length of fresh material in “Echoes of Despair” followed in 2022.