NEWS: Chaos Sequence partake in home surgery?

Industrially tinged Nu-Deathcore collective Chaos Sequence are preparing to drop a new album on 21st March and have announced a five show run to around it with Tyrants, The Cartographer and Born In Dissonance joining them on various dates. Titled “Project: Chimera” the record is one noted as being completely DIY or DIE with the band themselves credited as doing the mixing and mastering. What will that sound like? “Under The Knife” has been offered up already…

13/03 – London, new cross inn w/Tyrants
15/03 – Brighton, the pipeline
20/03 – Derby, the hairy dog w/The Cartographer, Infirm of Purpose, Bleed The Fifth
21/03 – Cheltenham, frog & fiddle
22/03 – Bristol, moor beer co – album release show w/Born In Dissonance, Monochrome

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