NEWS: Chemicide reach critical mass!
Including covers of songs by Los Crudos, Discharge and Metallica, a new album titled “Violence Prevails” from San José, Costa Rica based Thrash crew Chemicide will appear on 28th February via Listenable Records. Ahead of that the band share their second music video for the record with “Red Giant” following the album title track out of hell’s gate. As if that wasn’t enough the band will play a couple of shows in Mexico next month as they warm up for a hot summer. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.
Guitarist and vocalist Frankie comments: “The song is metaphor on how the sun could exterminate all we call life in a single beam of light, just like some politicians do when they get to to power. They have ultimate control over their nations and can control everything and obliterate whatever they want on their path”
And on the album: “Violence Prevails is a reflection of our daily life. America is a beautiful continent but filled with corruption; more specifically Central and South America. I wanted to portray how there’s no more dialogue; everything is resolved with violence and unfortunately for us, we see a lot of poverty and class disparities among our people. I also wanted to tell a story that could resonate with more individuals across the planet and see that they are not alone when they see what’s happening around them. Violence now is the key to sort out any discrepancies you may have with someone else and we see it on a daily basis with international conflicts around the globe.
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