NEWS: Cogas announce “Among the Dead: How to Become a Ghost”!

London-based Sardinian Blackened Death metal band Cogas look set to return on 24th April with their second full-length album, “Among the Dead: How to Become a Ghost“. A DIY or DIE record from a band formed a decade ago by the writing partnership of vocalist Piero Mura and guitarist Davide Ambu, its the follow up to 2021’s well received “Unconscious Sons of the Reptile God” and features Davide Marini (Concrete Age, Evisarize, ex-Neravendetta) as a session drummer. From that they have shared “Autopsy of an Hollow” as a first taste… Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

The band commented: “With this album, we give voice and sound to the pain of those who have been lost in the postcard-perfect hell called Sardinia.
Generational traumas—past, present, and future—are told through the wounds, both physical and spiritual, of an ordinary young man. 
‘Among the Dead: How to Become a Ghost’ is our necessity and will to bring Sardinian extreme metal towards a bitter truth, setting aside the themes that have stagnantly plagued our musical world for too many years, in order to shed light on subjects we consider closer to reality. Our album is the black shroud of suicidal death—mental and physical—of hundreds of young people from our island. An island we so proudly flaunt as a monument to our virtues, when in reality, the virtues we boast about are nothing more than words carried away by the September mistral. Thus, we dedicate this latest Opus to the souls who are losing themselves in our homeland, to those who have been lost, and to those who will be lost—guilty only of being too sensitive for a land cursed by its own allure. Have the courage to break the chains you have fastened around your own wrists”.


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