NEWS: Bury Tomorrow lay in wait?

As they continue the preparations for a month long North American co-headlining tour with While She Sleeps in April, Metalcore merchants Bury Tomorrow have shared another preview of their upcoming new album “Will You Haunt Me With That Same Patience“. The album drops on 16th May with the band set to play a collection of intimate sold out shows before a second run of later venues later in the year. The track is called “Waiting” and they’re calling it one of if not their heaviest…

Frontman Dani Winter-Bates expands: “Waiting is about rebirth, the sense of going through the fire to emerge from the other side. Lyrically speaking, it delves into the lowest points of our lives where everything feels weirdly centered around yourself and in some way your misery, whether that’s loss, self-loathing, or poor experiences. Musically ‘Waiting’ is an opportunity to speed things up, make them more visceral more violent. Whilst there have been heavy singles released so far like Villain Arc, this one will feel heavier to many. There’s something slightly more modern about its sound and it’s routed around rhythm and cadence, with a clear aim to hopefully move people as the song progresses.”

Guitarist Kristan Dawson adds: “To haunt is to revisit or recur persistently to the consciousness of someone or something. There’s beauty in that commitment somewhat. In a world full of distraction, discourse, instancy and demand, patience seems hard to attain. In patience there is peace, one thing society is short of. The title serves as a call of reflection, relying on the present moment, remembering what truly matters. I think the notion of patience being haunting is quite a contrast and that’s certainly reflective of the album musically.”

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