Category: Live Review

Live Review: Tech-Fest Techabilitation 2023: Sunday (3 of 3)!

They say that all good things must come to an end; so as the sand slips though the hour glass we’re going to enjoy one last day of Techabilitation at the hands of Tech-Fest and then sit back and watch as Simon Garrod’s new band Eschalon grow wings. Tech-Fest has been an adventure for us since 2017,

Live Review: Tech-Fest Techabilitation 2023: Saturday (2 of 3)!

After a night where the first five bands brought their A game to The Hairy Dog in Derby, the standard has been set for others to maintain and make the final Techabilitation a momentus occasion to send Tech-Fest off in style. Ten bands are primed and ready to do battle with an audience suffering from

Live Review: Tech-Fest Techabilitation 2023: Friday (1 of 3)!

There is a certain irony that just as we arrive in Derby for what could be the final Tech-Fest event in Techabilitation at The Hairy Dog, “Beginning of the End” by Spineshank should surface on the Spotify playlist we’ve been listening to on the drive. In truth it’s not so much the end as a

Live Review: Rabidfest 2023 Day #2 (Sunday)!

One of the great things about Rabidfest is that while they put on a varied line up each year, there is method to their madness. This isn’t just a collection of random bands thrown into a melting pot in the hope that everyone will have a good time. Far from it. Instead, each day is

Live Review: Rabidfest 2023 Day #1 (Saturday)!

Its a wet weekend in November and golden leaves are all over the ground which can only mean one thing. After huge fanfare and extensive build up, the fifth anniversary of Oxfords biggest Metal Weekender Rabidfest is finally here! The hordes have descended upon The Bullingdon like witches and wizards gathered in the masses to