Tag: Die For Us

NEWS: Werewolves unleash a violent rant!

It might seem like the title of an episode of Blackadder but “Spittle-Flecked Rant” is the third single to emerge from Australian Death Metal horde Werewolves. Filmed by auteur Rob Brens at the unfortunate Anubis Studios who regret ever allowing the band onto their premises, the accompanying music video ensures that the 19th July release

NEWS: Werewolves bite back!

The story goes that the music video for “We All Deserve To Be Slaves” by Werewolves was filmed during the Tech Trek 2023 Australian tour with Archspire and Ingested at The Corner Hotel in Melbourne, in front of an impatient and unwilling live crowd who were there to see the internationals and not some middle-aged local men screaming

NEWS: Werewolves prey on the weak!

Nothing screams ambition like the mission statement to release 10 albums in 10 years issued by Werewolves. But having formed in 2019, 2024 finds the Death Metal trio reaching the half way point with “Die For Us“, a record pencilled in for a 19th July unveiling. Described by those who have heard their prior convictions