Tag: Forager

Live Review: Radar Festival 2022 Day #2 (Saturday)!

The second of three at the Casino Night Club in Guildford for Radar Festival is a big one with bigger crowds and slush puppy style pints of frozen Pimm’s on offer as well as a plethora of bands bringing riffs in plentiful supply from 13:00 to the midnight hour to keep us entertained. We predict

NEWS: Radar Festival moves to October, 3rd wave of bands!

The organizers of second incarnation of Radar Festival have announced they have rescheduled from 31 July and 01 August 2020 to Friday 16 and Saturday 17 October 2020. This means Toska, Voyager, Palm Reader, I Built the Sky and Nick Johnston will drop off the bill. However the trade off for that are some high