Tag: Keres

NEWS: Euphrosyne confirm concept album “Morus”!

An experimental concept album inspired by the true story of the loss of guitarist Alex Despotidis mother to cancer in 2017, “Morus” will mark the debut album of Euphrosyne when it appears via Black Lion Records on 21st March. The narration begins with the realization of death and the feelings surrounding it until the final embrace,

Review: “Homo Homini Lupus” by Keres

You need to remove the shrink wrap to fully appreciate the cover artwork from guitarist Astahrot that adorns the second burnt offering from Italians Keres, it helps breathe life into the Wolf and shine a light on some very small details which otherwise go unnoticed. Formed in 2015 from the ashes of The Crying of

NEWS: Keres eradicate the infection!

Recorded by the band themselves before being mixed and mastered by Stefano Morabito at 16th Cellar Studio (Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hour Of Penance, Hideous Divinity) a sophomore album “Homo Homini Lupus” is on the horizon from Italians Keres. Whereas their debut “Heresy” is considered strictly Death Metal, this new work is said to find the band