Tag: Ritual Aesthetic

Review: “Mechalith” by Djinn-Ghül

Following the well trodden path of the Soothsayers of old, Djinn-Ghül have foreseen a dystopian future that bares a resemblance to our current existence, one of industrial nightmares and corruption destroying the very fabric of existence. Split between Venezuela and the United States, the duo was formed by multi instrumentalist Grant Nachbur (Nephrectomy, ex-Ritual Aesthetic)

NEWS: DJINN-GHÜL premier “Pleonexia”!

Despite coming from separate Worlds being split between Venezuela and the United States, DJINN-GHÜL was formed by Grant Nachbur (Nephrectomy, ex-Ritual Aesthetic) and Junior Patiño (Rotten Vomit, Voraraephilia) in 2017 and after two full length albums and an EP, they’re back for record number four with  “Mechalith”. That is set to appear via Vicious Instinct