They say that all good things must come to an end; so as the sand slips though the hour glass we’re going to enjoy one last day of Techabilitation at the hands of Tech-Fest and then sit back and watch as Simon Garrod’s new band Eschalon grow wings. Tech-Fest has been an adventure for us since 2017,
Having announced last week that this year’s incarnation of UK Tech-Fest will be the last of this kind, the powers that be have added a wealth of bands to ensure that Newark Showgrounds is given the send off it deserves over the weekend of 29th June to 3rd July. Harbinger have been announced as the
The annual journey to the Mecca that is Newark Showgrounds for Tech-Fest may have been disrupted for two years but with tickets carried over and a great selection of bands on offer, we couldn’t be more ready for years incarnation! Four days of wall to wall Metal of every flavour is just what the Doctor