Tag: Sarfaad

NEWS: Sarfaad ready EP with second single “Dog Days”!

April saw Sarfaad, a Modern Math meets Metalcore band from Mumbai, India drop their hard hitting debut single “Painting a Villain“. Back for round #2 with and EP on the cards, they’ve delivered “Dog Days“, complete with artwork and video by Vohrart. Interestingly, the EP appears to have been recorded by Grey Cat Recordings with

NEWS: Sarfaad begin by “Painting a Villain”!

A Modern Math meets Metalcore band from Mumbai, India called Sarfaad who cite chaotic influences from Code Orange, Car Bomb have released their hard hitting debut single “Painting a Villain“. In their native Hindi, Sarfaad literally means splitting of the head, which gives you a flavor as to where their music is going, with lyrical