A third instalment of their soon to be airing on Netflix documentary series “Chaos Theory Tour Diary” finds Cinematic DJent pioneers Vanitas destroying stages in Derby and Norwich respectively. The run of shows is with Warlock A.D. with vocalist Jade Maris making a guest appearance on their latest album, so seek and you shall find
Once again filmed and edited by George Allsopp, the second instalment of the “Chaos Theory” tour diary finds Midlands based Progressive DJent pioneers Vanitas stopping in Wolverhampton and York for a pair of shows. The run is off the back of their sophomore EP which sees them dive deeper into technical riffage, orchestration and unclean
While they’re ripping up the road with Warlock A.D., Birmingham Cinematic DJent pioneers Vanitas have shared a the first of a series of behind the scenes featurettes around the shows they’ve played around sophomore EP “Chaos Theory“. A critically acclaimed record which has taken them to a new realm of existence with more harsh unclean
Continuing the wealth of behind the scenes content they’ve been sharing in recent times, Midlands based Cinematic DJent pioneers Vanitas have given us a featurette covering their trip to Burn It Down Festival in Torquay. The footage follows the release of the bands critically acclaimed sophomore EP “Chaos Theory” and appears while they are sharing
A month after their “Chaos Theory” EP launch show at The Flapper in Birmingham with Amethyst, Earthbound and Netherhall, cinematic Djent pioneers Vanitas have shared a full length vlog including some exclusive behind the scenes footage. Filmed and ended by George Allsopp, it’s a home town throwdown from a band on the crest of a
Back in 2022 Vanitas announced themselves to an unsuspecting World with a self titled EP of superior quality thanks in part the experiences they had gained in other projects. That record saw them introduce a new sound that they coined “Cinematic DJent” and opened the doors for the Birmingham based quintet to share stages with
Including a run of shows with Warlock A.D. the next few months look like they’re going to be sweaty for Cinematic DJent pioneers Vanitas. Having waterfall released no less than three standalone singles, the band have a sophomore EP titled “Chaos Theory” to ride the wave of which drops on 2nd August. They have signed
Making Dark North Media (Trendkill) nervous, Midlands based Cinematic DJent pioneers Vanitas continue to film behind the scenes featurettes for each of their music videos. The latest of those is for “E.D.G.” which just so happens to be the third pre-release single from their sophomore EP “Chaos Theory” which will land in our laps on
Follow a run of waterfall released singles, Midlands Cinematic DJent pioneers Vanitas have announced their sophomore EP will arrive on 2nd August. Titled “Chaos Theory” it cuts their trio of 2023 singles adrift as standalone, offering instead their trio of 2024 singles plus three additional cuts. As if that isn’t enough to get excited about,