As the 30th anniversary of “Demanufacture” by Industrial Metal Kings Fear Factory fast approaches multi instrumentalist Bryan Eckermann (Solo Artist, Scars of the Flesh, Mythologik, Winters Plague, ex-Wings of Abaddon, ex-Blessed Agony) is joined by Kobey “Komodo Concoction” Lange (Wings of Abaddon, Scars of the Flesh) for a cover of the almighty “Pisschrist“. Many fingers,
If you missed it, this guitar playthrough from multi instrumentalist Bryan Eckermann for “Lord Death” from the debut album “Blood in the Sky” of his latest endeavour Mythologik is as good a place to start as any. The project finds Eckermann collaborating with vocalist Joe Gregory of Valkyrie fame so you get an upper cut
September 2023 saw the arrival of Mythologik as a new project with a well received self titled debut EP build to a masterplan born of the mind of the ever prolific Bryan Eckermann (Solo Artist, Scars of the Flesh, ex-Wings of Abaddon). Taking the multi-instrumentalist and studio guru’s love of Melodic Blackened Death Metal sonic
What happens when you combine the Melodic Blackened Death Metal sonic creations of multi-instrumentalist Bryan Eckermann’s (Solo Artist, Scars of the Flesh, ex-Wings of Abaddon) with the kind of aggressive and soaring vocals heard early/Mid 80’s Thrash Metal from Joe Gregory (Valkyrie TX)? You get Mythologik! They have shared a lyric video for a third
How many projects does one man have to have on the boil at the same time to save his sanity? In the case of Texas based multi-instrumentalist Bryan Eckermann the answer seems to be a serious volume. The former Wings of Abaddon man is a solo artist in his own right but it seems that
Some two years in the waiting, the third studio album from San Antonio Texas Melodic Blackened Death Metal scribes Scars Of The Flesh finds them once again armed for the apocalypse but this time with some new weapons of mass destruction. Originally formed in 2014 by guitarists Bryan Eckermann (Solo Artist, ex-Wings of Abaddon) and
Now comprising guitarists Bryan Eckermann (Solo Artist, ex-Wings of Abaddon), Derek Russell, vocalist Kobey Lange (Cerebral Desecration, ex-Wings of Abaddon), Collyn Rios (Cerebral Desecration, Black Jackal) on drums, and Robert O’Briant (The Hanged Man’s Curse, ex-Wings of Abaddon) on bass, a reanimated Scars of the Flesh are set to release their third album “In Darkness Alone”
Introducing Collyn Rios (Cerebral Desecration, Black Jackal) on drums and Robert O’Briant (The Hanged Man’s Curse, ex-Wings of Abaddon) on bass with their recording debuts in the group, San Antonio Texas Melodic Blackened Death Metal crew Scars Of The Flesh have shared a first single in “The Hooded One” from a new album titled “In