Riff Police! Pull Over! #50: Gojiria Vs Wednesday 13!

It might seem highly unlikely but what are the chances of French Progressive Death Metal outfit Gojiria being an influence on Wednesday 13 guitarist Roman Surman? Back in 2008, The French titans released “The Way of All Flesh” with the help of former Machine Head and current Once Human guitarist Logan Mader who not only Mixed and Mastered the album but also recorded the drums in Los Angeles California and made them sound incredible!

Fast forward to 2015 and “Monsters of the Universe: Come Out and Plague”, the sixth studio album from Wednesday 13. Not only is it the most diverse album the band have produced but a concept album and the only one to feature a song with both lyrics and music credited to long time collaborator and lead guitarist Roman Surman. The song in question isĀ  entitled “Planet Eater Interstellar 187”. It’s the topic of Riff Police because, it is strikingly similar to Gojira’s “Esoteric Surgery”.

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