Riff Police! Pull Over! #86: Doc Hammer Vs Iron Maiden!
The influence of Iron Maiden reaches far and wide, all over the Globe and sooner or later the elder statesmen of this Metal World are going to call it a night. Probably at two minutes to midnight. Yes. We just did that. The year 2000 may have been the height of the Nu-Metal era but lets not forget that 20 years ago there were still plenty of other bands plying their trade and doing a damned fine job of it. “Brave New World” is the album that opened with “The Wicker Man” and received critical acclaim, thanks in part due to the return of vocalist Bruce Dickinson and guitarist Adrian Smith back into the fold. That acclaim was matched by sales too as the album went Gold everywhere from Brazil to Poland. Now San Diego Californian Hardcore Punks Doc Hammer launched “Neon Devil” into the ocean last August, necking the bottle of champagne before smashing it on the side of the ship! They love drinking and the album is as much an ode to that as inspiration for it. It was the opening riff of “Borders” that didn’t quite fit the album as a whole and left us thinking… Until we returned to the Brave New World. Who could fail to be inspired by Iron Maiden?