Riff Police! Pull Over! #113: Corrosion Of Conformity Vs Misfits!

1999 may have been the height of Nu-Metal but that wasn’t the only Metal Music around. The second album of life after DanzigFamous Monsters” surfaced from the Black Lagoon from Horror Punk legendsĀ Misfits fronted by Michale Graves. It may have received mixed reviews but that may have been more about who fronted the band than about the actual music, if you catch the drift. Afterall, director George A. Romero traded a music video for single “Scream!” for the band appearing on his film Bruiser and “Kong At The Gates” was used as the entrance music for Canadian Wrestler Vampiro. Our personal favourite however is “Helena“, a track based on the film “Boxing Helena” the story of a a surgeon who becomes so obsessed with a woman that he amputates her limbs to keep her captive…

…but it seems that guitarist Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein had some inspiration that cut. 5 years earlier, Raleigh North Carolina Sludge Metallers Corrosion Of Conformity who featured in their ranks one Reed Mullin, may he rest in peace, had dropped “Deliverance“. The first record to have Pepper Keenan, it’s one that has seen its fair share of critical acclaim. The third track and single “Clean My Wounds” the one you want to listen to…

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