Spotlight: My Latest Failure talk From First To Last Anti-Christmas Anthems!
Sometimes you need an antidote to all the Christmas cheer in Holiday Season; you’re just not in the mood, things are going pear shaped; your lover left you and you know you’re going to be spending time having to explain it to your family rather than just sinking a bottle of Wild Turkey in front of a roaring fire. To accommodate there are bands who have put out anti-Christmas songs from time to time and most of them are absolutely hilarious, including this pair from Tampa Florida Post-Hardcore act From First To Last! They started out in 1999 but it was 4 years before debut EP “Aesthetic” surfaced. Five studio records later, the in and out presence of Sonny “Skrillex” Moore and even two years with Periphery vocalist Spencer Sotelo holding the Mic and it’s 2020…
Chris Underhill From My Latest Failure: “‘SANTAS GOING TO DIE! SANTAS GOING TO DIE!‘ This isn’t the kind of song that you will hear while doing the Christmas shopping on a blistery winters day, or at your work’s Christmas party! This song would without doubt smack a smile onto scrooge’s face. Taken from the 2005 Christmas compilation “Taste of Christmas”, From First to Last nailed a fierce approach of sharing festive joy with “Christmassacre”. It’s just chaos! Hard hitting drums, riffs being thrown in all over the place and ear blistering screams of anti-Christmas cheer! “MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!” I just love it! It will have you moshing your family into the sofa on Christmas morning. From First to Last did do a follow up to “Christmassacre” called “Santapocalypse” a few years ago which is definitely worth checking out if you want to continue the anti-Christmas vibe. For me “Christmassacre” is one of a kind and is truly my Christmas anthem!“