7th March 2021
NEWS: Primal Creation disperse the crowds!
Making their name with 2017’s “Demockracy” which earned them support slots for D.R.I. and Skeletonwitch as well as a spot at Wacken Open Air 2019, last summer saw Belgian Thrash quintet Primal Creation at Oakwood Recordings working on new album “News Feed“. That will drop on 16th April with first single “Please Disperse” spits venom at the narcissistic bullies taking the worldstage to promote their own perverted agenda.
Frontman Koen Mattheeuws comments: “We are known for not beating around the bush when it comes to our lyrical themes. Rest assured, this new track is no trend breaker! If you’re into melodic, yet fast and aggressive metal, this song should be right up your alley.“