NEWS: Rumours and Hacktivist join forces for “CTRL + ALT + DLT”!

Joined by Jot Maxi and J Hurley from Milton Keynes DJentlemen Hacktivist are Australians  Rumours for their latest single “CTRL + ALT + DLT“. The second single following “Blood Eagle” in 2022 for the band as they prepare for an eight show run with Days Like These and Relapse in just a few days time while Silver Fang, Micro Cuts, Morningside and Rogue Half all opening on selected dates…

The track narrates frustrations the user has with fabricated realities and the dystopian tendencies that the digital world can exhibit.” explains the band. “The music is intentionally dynamic to compliment the changing emotions behind these ideas. With influences from punk and hip hop drum breaks, electronic elements and classic emo.

Hacktivist loves a good wakeup call song, especially one that has undertones of dystopia or technological defaults!” adds Hacktivist’s Jot Maxi. “So when Rumours approached us with the demo and I heard the lyrics in the chorus ‘What have I become’ I was instantly switched on to the concept. Not only when talking about how we let the internet and our devices control us, but also with anything that we let become an unhealthy part of us, it’s good to step back and ask ourselves what we have become sometimes. We are ultimately responsible for who we allow ourselves to be after all!” 

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