NEWS: Kaali seek a soothsayer?
No longer alone, Kaali, a Blackened Hardcore quartet with members from all four corners of the globe who have been brought together in Saigon have premiered a new single in “Necromateion” with a hint of a Dune influence in the accompanying music video. All of that in intriguing with the title of the song referring to an Oracle of the Dead, to whom the faithful use to talk with their dead ancestors…
The band comment: “It’s finally here! Necromanteion is what we’ve been doing for the past year but we promise next single won’t take as long. But we’ll talk about that later! What’s important now is that we’re really happy with how this turned out to be. We’d like to thank our producer Sava Tomic for all his creative input and great mix. Mr. Joel Wanasek for mastering the track. And of course, one and only Tran Nguyen Phuong Tin aka Seventy Heptagons/PICK for visual identity of the song”