NEWS: Hellevate premier Lovecraft inspired “Dagon”!
Available for pre-order over at bandcamp, Kansas City Speed Thrash quintet Hellevate areĀ now streaming a second single “Dagon” from EP “The Purpose is Cruelty” due out 14th January. The record is one to follow 2019 Christmas present “Krampusnacht” and is said to be in the bands signature violent hybrid of East Coast and Bay Area Thrash…
Vocalist Robert Browne explains: “Two of my favorite Lovecraft stories are Dagon and The Cats of Ulthar, and I always wanted to write about both. There have been multiple iterations of this song from past projects, all leading up to this finished product that you hear now. I sought to tell the whole story and convey the internal horror of the situation H.P. wrote of. Perhaps it was fate that kept this song in the workshop until now when the subject of isolated anxiety is more familiar than ever with the public (which also lent itself to the following track on the EP). We wanted the song to be heavy and chaotic, a gradual conscious dissolution of sanity, and we accomplished that. Don’t go exploring mysterious smelly islands”