NEWS: Three former members of Guttural Secrete return in Nemesism!

The inmates of Arkham Asylum have escaped and are running riot in the streets of Gotham City. Having been freed from their straight jackets by an unknown force they have formed a new Brutal Death Metal outfit based in Las Vegas Nevada. Andrew LoMastro (Cerebral Incubation) on vocals, Randall Thompson (Euphegenia, ex Guttural Secrete) on Guitars, Bruno Macias Quezada (Foul Deformity, ex Guttural Secrete) on Bass and Michael Fitzgerald (ex Guttural Secrete) on Drums are the architects of our demise, now calling themselves Nemesism. Here’s “Delusions of Morality” to give you an idea of what they are capable of, their debut self titled EP will be striking like deep impact on 31st January…

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