NEWS: VHS chase the almighty dragon?
Aaren Pantke of Molder on “Cleave ‘Em and Leave ‘Em“. Marlee Ryley of Hyperia on “Crimson Haired Warrior“. Schuler Benson of Trocar on “There Can Be Only One“. James McBain of Hellripper on “Are You Afraid of Dragons?“. These are the quartet of guest vocalists making their presence felt on the upcoming new VHS album “Quest for the Mighty Riff”, a concept record paying violent homage to ’80s sword and sorcery flicks. The grinding out of genre-decapitating death/punk bangers based on classics like Conan the Barbarian, Masters of the Universe, and The Highlander has already begun, the band unveiling a second single in the aforementioned “Are You Afraid of Dragons?” for your viewing pleasure. The album drops on 19th May with pre-orders available over at bandcamp.