NEWS: Baited don’t like Huntington Beach…

Four long months after the first single “Molotov” premiered, a second Hardcore Punk banger from Prince Edward Island Canadian upstarts Baited has arrived in “Blackout” and no, before you ask, it’s not their homage to G-Punk pioneers (hed)p.e.. Both tunes will appear on the bands 14th July releasing EP “Cutting Teeth” with this particular tune drawing inspiration from the folk-punk realm and the captivating performances of Laura Jane Grace from Against Me. It’s not quiet available for pre-order as yet, but when it is you’ll find it over at bandcamp.

The band comment: “This song is meant for the 2-step. With punchy and fizzy guitar and bass tones. This song just doesn’t quit. We decided to release Blackout as the next single to continue with the theme of Molotov. It is quickly becoming a band and audience favourite. This song wants you to get that 2 steps going.”

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