NEWS: Varmia prepare for album #4!

Another single from the upcoming fourth album “nie nas widzę” by Polish Black Metal Pagans Varmia has arrived via label home M-Theory Audio in “Dies Tremor“. That drops on 16th June as the band pay tribute to the ancient Baltic tribes of the historical Warmia region of northern Poland. Their sound is based on traditional, ancient and dark metallurgy, created using traditional ethnic instrumentation such as the tagelharpa, goat horn, wood tuba and krivula to create visceral and dark metal landscapes. Vinyl pre-orders are available here.

The band comment: “DIES TREMOR – “the day of terror.” It’s our take on Dies Irae cultural theme. As the Sun (Saule) begins her rest, the Moon (Meness) starts his vicious harvest. In this anthemic song we bow to the infinite power of no-light. We welcome the dread and the most primal of fears. Let there be night.”

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