Exclusive Interview: Breeding Chaos talk Diffraction Matters, Influences and Signature Guitars!

The Killchain” by Bolt Thrower, “Crime Divine” by Dismember and “Wolverine Blues” by Entombed. These are the guitar covers which French Death Metal outfit Breeding Chaos have offered up to introduce you to their World but it’s their debut EP “Diffraction Matters” where the magic really happens. Unveiling that in February, the band applied the description “Melodic brutality that smells upcoming Death“ to their sound, which is as fitting as it gets. Naturally after reviewing the record last month we got chatting to the band and the conversation went something like this…

Breeding Chaos was given life in the great plague years as two old friends started composing music and mixing ideas using Guitar Pro; how did that evolve into a full band situation?

Jé : “Bruno and I, it takes back a long time, since I joined his previous gothic metal band Crimson Garden in 1999. Several years later we teamed up again with this old school death metal project, with a goal of playing live again, so we quickly started to look for other band members. This took some time, and after trying out a few drummers we finally found Lucas who joined us with his prog/heavy metal touch. Malo joined us a little later, with a black metal culture”

It feels like it has been something of a whirlwind for Breeding Chaos in 2023; recording the EP, releasing it and then diving straight into live shows. What have been your favourite moments of the year so far?

Jé : “Yes, totally, it was a nice start, with several good reviews from Europe, and even the US! Above anything, we’re fond of playing live, and it’s really challenging for our songs to see the reaction of the audience. So far, it’s been only 2 shows in spring, but 2 more are coming in a month, and another one in February of ’24”

We’ve mentioned the 50 second long piano introduction to “Darkness Divine” being absolutely beautiful; how important is atmosphere to the sound of Breeding Chaos?

Jé : “Despite being more of an old school death metal band, we like to push colors and influences from other musical areas into our music, be it classical, jazz or rock touches. This adds up a lot in the musical spectrum, and allows an even more brutal contrast when the violence hits”

If we are made up of our genes and our influences, what is in your jeans and who would you consider your influences?

Jé: “I grew up with the old school death metal golden era of the early 1990’s, with bands like Dismember, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Death, Loudblast. I have also my black metal, heavy metal and prog years since then. Besides, my influences also include some old rockabilly, rhythm and blues, or jazz material”

Bru: “I really like early Death Metal, but also prog, industrial, Doom, NWOBHM bands, even if mainly I listen to brutal Death Metal bands”

As a young band, what are your aspirations? Where do you see yourselves in the next five years? Touring Europe? Appearing on the cover of Metal Hammer Magazine? Releasing a signature guitar model with Carillion?

Jé: “All of this and more! Ha ha! We are starting small but the reaction of the audience is very encouraging so far. We would love to play some festivals in France or Europe, and meet with other awesome bands! Carillion, Strandberg, Darius… we shall see ha ha!”

Bru: “For my part, Ibanez or Solar would be enough for me!”

What’s next for Breeding Chaos?

Jé: “We already have some new material for a whole album, the songs are growing richer and slightly more complex. Be assured, brutality and darkness are always common threads in our music. A recording session is already planned for early 2024, and we even had a proposition from a music label!”

Diffraction Matters” by Breeding Chaos was released on 1st March 2023 and is available over at bandcamp.

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