NEWS: Engluf line up the guests for “The Dying Planet Weeps”!
Continuing the avalanche of intriguing prospects for the turn of the year, Everlasting Spew Records have announced the debut album from from Engluf will appear on 12th January 2024. After an unholy trinity of story driven EPs that began with 2017’s “Subsumed Atrocities“, the Death Metal solo project of New Jersey’s Hal Microutsicos of Blasphemous fame is titled “The Dying Planet Weeps“. It finds him bringing in the guests with Darkened bassist Giacomo Gastaldi playing appearing on every track while Kevin Muller of Alluvial, Sven de Caluwé of Aborted a d Enrico “H.” Di Lorenzo of Hideous Divinity all lend their throats. As if that wasn’t enough, Pat Bonvin of Near Death Condition also has a guitar solo with “Bellows From The Aether” streaming now. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.
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