NEWS: Agriculture enjoy the Black Metal highlife!

Inspired by the glory of the ocean Los Angeles ecstatic Black Metal band Agriculture have shared the first single and title track from their third record “Living is Easy“. A four track effort set for 28th April digitally, it will be followed by 12 inch vinyl and cassette releases on 3rd May which will find it paired with the bands 2022 debut EP “The Circle Chant“. While the new EP as a whole delves into themes of community connection, holiness, violence, and the cycles of life, the band say title track itself is “centered around a story from one of the Buddha’s past lives: on a walk in a forest, the Buddha came upon a hungry family of tigers. He realized that they would die if they didn’t eat, so he lay down and let them eat his body. He was devoured with a smile on his face”. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

Agriculture comment: “Making this music video while on tour with Chat Pile was some of the most fun we’ve ever had. We’re so grateful to Chat Pile and directors Sam Blakesberg and Jack Ebstein for helping us make this insanely dumb thing that we love. Touring is one of our greatest joys as a band. Sharing our music, visiting new spaces, and meeting new people in new cities all over is a constant source of inspiration for what we do. We are so excited to share this music with you.”

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