Review: “No Solution, No Salvation” by Methedrine

Created from the ashes of 80’s Crossover D-Beat pioneers Upset Noise in 2017, Italian Blackened Death Metal act Methedrine offered up a debut EP titled “Built For Speed” six years ago and spent a couple of years spreading their disease around the stages of Italy, Belgium and Croatia. While that debut record combined D-Beat with Motorhead legacy and fierce early Thrash, having two veterans of Italian HC scene in their ranks has found them yearning to expand their sonic horizons. In doing so they bring on board a collection of friends including Fabione from Hobos, Mark from Eu’s Arse and Tytus, Domenico from Fulci and Samall from Slander for a debut album that finds them offering Blackened splashes…

…none of that means they’ve lost any of their Punk or Hardcore edge as opening cut “Bob’s gay hunting ground” demonstrates. A multi generational outfit with influences from 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s eras of all genres of stringed heaviness, the band are footloose and fancy free as they rip through the opening cut with the verve and swagger of seasoned veterans. Their confidence and tongue in cheek humour is an absolute joy with obvious influences from bands like Sick Of It All and Motorhead in the first cut alone. A classic Hardcore Punk rampage is next on the tarot cards in “Matapuercos” (or “Hooligan“), a tasteful tour de force of the genre with flavours of Speed Thrash and gang chanted moments perfectly weighted for a neck snapping good time. The band claim an Obituary influence which may seem a little strange but f*** it, why not? The songs are of course short and fast, averaging just under the three minute mark for the most part, “Luminol” having a catchy vocal hook about being bored and wanting to kill again. That kind of dark gallows humour will crack a smile on the face of even the hardest of Metal heads and with riffs flying in all directions, it’s good dirty old fashioned fun. These dudes aren’t looking to be politically correct or worried that they might offend anyone and that devil may care approach is refreshing in a World where everyone is looking over their shoulders.

An ode to the fact that we only live once, you can picture Lemmy Kilmister getting involved on “Die Once“, for it is very much in the vein of his precious works. The solo is a nice touch, the attitude an approach a slap in the face to those who live in a plastic society trapped behind a screen. Drink a bottle of Jack Daniels, throw a brick through a window, live a little before you die. One of the tracks that dates back to the debut EP is “Upset with the World” and its easy to hear why. An electronic palate cleaner followed by an adrenaline rush of D-beat Crossover Thrash riffs galore, it’s one of those cuts that is absolutely timeless. It could have surfaced any time since 1981 and not seemed out of place and in this collection it is a jewel in a crown. The electric pace continues with “Deep Blue“, a poison pen letter about depression with the kind of humour that made the original Wednesday 13 material stand out. A few notes on the record to finish is the icing on the cake before the ripper that is “Cruel And Short” appears like the Tasmanian Devil, the band laughing like Dastardly and Muttley as they burn the place to the ground. This one has Thrashier vibes but is by no means Exodus, the face melting solos absolutely sublime. What’s that? They need a song influenced by Cannibal? You’re in luck! “Sugar Pie (Honey Bunch)” is the grindhouse movie of our dreams as it plays on the tape deck of the driverless car that kills everyone in its path on its rampage through a small town.

Gang chants galore light up “No solution, No salvation“, a couple of whammy bar moments adding a little flare to this Speed Thrash masterclass. A fleeting slowdown before the final verse is a masterstroke that confirms old dogs don’t need new tricks when what they have already is this good. Lyrically this one wears its heart on its sleeve, talking openly about some of the issues of modern society, including an economic system that ensures the rat race is a race to the bowels of hell. The haunting acoustic instrumental “A Dark Wake” is a nice touch, a 36 second palate cleansing moment that takes nothing away from the energy of the record while allowing “A Massgrave for my Dreams” to hit that much harder. The perfect way to end an album like this is on a huge high of adrenaline fuelled riffs and Methedrine don’t disappoint, calling out those who have crossed them as they can forgive but they can’t forget. It’s a punchy, aggressive number ending in classic soaked in feedback fashion and do you know what? You’re going to love this so much you’re going to spin it again almost immediately because it’s a simple formula so well executed that it’s a f***ing good time [7.5/10]

Track Listing

1. Bob’s gay hunting ground
2. Matapuercos
3. Luminol
4. Die once
5. Upset with the World
6. Deep blue
7. Cruel and short
8. Sugar Pie (Honey Bunch)
9. No solution, No salvation
10. The dark wake
11. A Massgrave for my dreams

No Solution, No Salvation” by Methedrine is out 19th January 2024 via Time To Kill Records with pre-orders available over at bandcamp.

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