Review: “Towards Idiocracy” by Holycide

6th June has long been claimed as International Slayer Day (trademark, patient applied for by Kerry King) and in celebration of that Madrid Spain based Thrash overlords Holycide, a band who themselves celebrate their 20th Anniversary this year, are set to unveil a new album in “Towards Idiocracy“. Despite officially forming in 2004 due to their prior commitments to other projects in Death Metal it wasn’t until 2013 that the band dropped their first demo. Landing that first punch they followed it up swiftly with a right hook in the form of debut EP “Toxic Mutation” before 2017 saw debut album “Annihilate… Then Ask!” cement their authority on the Spanish Thrash scene. Three years later the arrival of the bands sophomore album “Fist to Face” with its risk taking cover art depicting US President Donald Trump getting his brains smashed in by an inhuman beast gained them a wealth of new followers. A sense of dark humour in the lyrical narratives gave that record a real edge as a Thrash revival was taking shape fuelled by bands like Havok, Hazzerd and Raider.

2023 then saw the bands last burnt offering unveiled, an EP titled “Bazookiller” and offered an insight into the shape of punk to come with two ripping cuts in the centre screaming out of the missile housings hell bent on total annihilation. Each of those records has been soaked in classic Thrash themes with tales of War, Violence, Nuclear destruction and Politics woven into the very fabric of their existence but having been a 20 year journey, there has been a revolving door of musicians in the group. The last men standing from the original line up of the outfit are Dave Rotten of Avulsed on vocals and Vicente Payá of Unbound Terror on bass, the pair being joined by guitarist Salvador Esteban Barranco of Charontid on guitars in 2014. Last year the unholy trinity welcomed Avulsed drummer Santiago García Arroyo and Scandelion guitarist Ancor Ramírez Santana to their ranks…

Proving they still have what it takes to compete with fellow Spanish Thrash titans Angelus Apatrida and Crisix this fresh magnum opus opens with intense beast of a track in “A.I. Supremacy“. Pummelling percussion and old school riffs are enough to get the neck snapping within seconds, a short and yet oh so sickly sweet solo in the final third a sprinkling of stardust. by the time the title track “Toward Idiocracy” drops, the production value of the record makes it feel like this could be 1986 Megadeth album. That’s the kind of studio sound that the band have gone for and it’s paid of handsomely without sounding dated at all. Spitting, snarling vocals from Rotten have that Death Metal edge but what the rest of the band deliver is a pure unadulterated Thrash attack in its finest form, glinting in the sunlight like a polished diamond. The power of Social Media being used by politicians to push ideologies is the subject of “Remote Control“, the masses manipulated by the subliminal verses. Another adrenaline pumping affair delivered at pace, this one has an earworm riff and a chantable chorus that goes down a storm.

Having set the bar for quality high with the first three cuts “Lie is the New Truth” flies out of the gate like a dungeon whippet at Satan’s dog track in hell. Its as if the band have had an injection of caffeine straight to the vein as they rattle this one off at breakneck speed, another classy pair of solos screaming from the fretboards in the process. What the band have done well is keep the vocals clean enough that every word is heard while keeping their boots firmly in the mud of Thrash territory. There must have been the temptation to introduce a death growl or two but avoiding that serves this well. “Power Corrupts” then offers a thought provoking tale of how fresh ideas are abandoned in place of the same old story once politicians or leaders of large corporations come to power. Consumed by greed and a new found desire to remain at the top of the pyramid what got them there is lost to the void. What’s great about the album is that the lyrical narrative isn’t forced upon you; there is plenty to enjoy sonically so you can listen to the record without diving deeper should your heart so desire. Another Bay Area Thrash classic styled tune that will have you nostalgically thinking of bands like Exodus, Dark Angel or even Vio-Lence is “Technophobia“. All the hallmarks of the sound are contained within its four walls, that darker vocal giving it a sinister edge and real bite. It actually feels like this cut has been formulated with festival sized circle pits in mind, such are the tempo shifts and that pit friendly approach continues into the lethal “Angry for Nothing“. Another with instant appeal thanks to familiar sounding old school riffs that make it not only a pleasure but easy listening, this one may actually have you singing along before the end of the first run through.

When it comes to choosing a cover, it has to be said that there could be few better fitting this album than “Chemical Dependency” by Atrophy. A cut from the 1988 classic “Socialized Hate“, it’s obvious that Brian Zimmerman has been a huge influence on Dave Rotten in both style and substance, the pair of vocalists sharing a World view. Dispensing with the 65 second instruction of the original, Holycide dive straight in at the deep end, firing riffs in all directions in spray and pray fashion. The pummelling percussion is masterful as the band nail the track, bringing it up to date with modern production value so it sounds very much in keeping with the record and not simply a glued on afterthought. A high octane thrill ride of edge of the seat riffs from the first note “Pleased to be Deceived” is exactly what Metallica fans have wanted from their band since the “Master Of Puppets” tour cycle ended. As if that wasn’t enough to get excited about, there is one more trick in the book in the dark humoured “Flamethrower ‘Em All“. Bringing the album to its timely demise by slowing things down a notch for something with a little more menace about it, this one simply says why solve the problems when we can burn it all down and start again? Those wise words are ones which resonate, especially when accompanied by the evil soundscape that accompanies them [8/10]

1. A.I. Supremacy
2. Toward Idiocracy
3. Remote Control
4. Lie is the New Truth
5. Power Corrupts
6. Technophobia
7. Angry for Nothing
8. Chemical Dependency (Atrophy Cover)
9. Pleased to be Deceived
10. Flamethrower ‘Em All

Towards Idiocracy” by Holycide is out 6th June 2024 via Xtreem Music and is available over at bandcamp

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