NEWS: Hammerfilosofi begin the hunt!

Mastered by Magnus “Devo” Andersson at Endarker Studios during the Spring of 2024, a second record from Black Metal duo Hammerfilosofi represents a new fiery assault on the senses. An EP titled “Solus (Igne Natura Renovator Integra)“; four psalms of relentless, multi-layered and hellish madness is on the horizon for 13th September. The warning shot is “Hunt or be Hunted” which is streaming alongside pre-orders over at bandcamp.

The band comment: “The EP is an inward journey of spiritual violence and cathartic soul-searching. Both musically and lyrically, it picks up from where The Desolate One left off and continues in a bold leap into the dark unknown. The EP is both a continuation of the debut and an ominous forewarning of what is to come. We continue our relentless march, spreading our sulfurous gospel

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