NEWS: Kreyl murder Medusa one snake at a time!

Stepping outside of their usual borders and boundaries Inverse Records have inked a deal with Spanish Black Metal collective Kreyl. In partnership with the band the label will release debut album “Obscure Rise of Ancient Eulogy” on 18th October with “Medusa’s Death” the first single. Born during the winter of 2020 in the city of Barcelona, Kreyl is the brainchild of guitarist Virus Tremor, also known for his work in both Black Metal outift Nefasta and the Brutal Death Metal band Handle with Hate.  Inspired by the album “I” by the Finnish Black Metal band Hedonihil and many other bands of the second wave of Black Metal, this one has pre-orders available over at bandcamp.

The band comments single: “‘The song “Medusa’s Death” is based on the myth of Perseus and Medusa. Medusa is one of the three Gorgons who is often associated with death, with fear. In the song, the moment before her death at the hands of Perseus is described in a bloody and gruesome way. The deliberate choice of this myth is because she represents horror, the other side of beauty that fascinates and repels, seduces and kills. The female gaze, usually a source of seduction, in Medusa becomes a source of instant death, turning anyone who looks at her into solid stone.”

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