Review: “…And It Will All End Forever” by Art of Attrition

Two years have passed since the last confession of Art of Attrition was committed to tape, their debut album “The Void Eternal” coming complete with a guest appearance from Chris Wiseman of Shadow of Intent and Currents fame. That record is a seriously impressive burnt offering in Blackened Technical Deathcore from members and former members of Plaguebringer, Haaze and Protosequence who in those acts have shared stages with the likes of Carnifex, Angelmaker and Suffocation and earned their scars. This time around multi instrumentalist Jack Sutherland, guitarist Johnny VanderRoest, vocalist Joshua Hahn and drummer Greg Smith have prepared for us “…And It Will All End Forever“. Drums were recorded by Diego Fernandez (Arctos, Mongol) of Oracle Studios who mixed and mastered the aforementioned debut album with those duties being entrusted to Nico Beninato (Ingested, Unbound Terror, Main Line 10) of Kimera Recordings…

…and lets start by saying that the choice of Fernandez for recording the drums was the right move because they sound incredible. The Gatling gun like blasting at the start of “Drowned in Fog” raises the hairs on the back of the neck with it’s almost inhuman nature. They form the backbone as the band as layers of 8 string guitars and buried orchestrations, perfectly weighted so the symphonics are an embellishment rather than drowning everything. Eerie, despair inducing atmospherics are matched by the ferocity of Hahn’s vocals and he has some serious range. Taking a leaf from the book of Will Ramos, he’s not afraid to try new sounds and plagues the ears with demonic harshness and blood gargling to the point that Deathcore vocals reach Slam levels of pain. Yes there are Lorna Shore vibes here but this band are less progressive and bring to mind Draconian Reign with the way they incorporate their elements. Hope springs eternal with a melodic almost ethnic introduction to “Vitriol” before the band take a wrecking ball it with a skull crushing heaviness, the rapid fire vocal patterns swirling around the brain as they try and adjust your chemical imbalances. A melodic, almost ambient passage in the mid section has the guitars drop out for a moment while the orchestrations take control before snapping back like a violent mood swing for scalding finale that feels like getting hit full in the face by a concrete slab.

Dark, bitter and twisted “Emaciate” explodes like a Molotov cocktail as Art of Attrition put the pedal to the metal with electrifying results. Soaring symphonics provide a beautifully brilliant contrast to the downright evil vocals while the rampaging rhythm section inflict the damage. Stylistically there are moments when Hahn’s vocals are reminiscent of Hunter Madison of Hunt The Dinosaur fame but the lyrics Hahn has up his sleeve are so much more serious and thought provoking in comparison. This one also has a tasteful sweeping solo and finishes in sublime fashion, leaving you to wonder what the next chapter will bring because it doesn’t get much better. The answer is a elongated throat splitting roar from Hahn as “…And It Will All End Forever” rises to the surface with the speed and dexterity of bands like Archspire. Mesmerising lead guitars shine brightly above the powerhouse rhythms, momentary silences between anvil heavy sections giving fleeting respite. A gargantuan monolithic breakdown is the last thing you might expect to hear on a track with such stunning lead guitars but the band brought it and it is nothing short of brutal, contrasted perfectly the delicate piano fade out. It’s hard to fathom how this band are not on a major label because this record is sublime [9/10]

Track Listing

1. Drowned in Fog
2. Vitriol
3. Emaciate
4. …And It Will All End Forever

…And It Will All End Forever” by Art of Attrition is out 26th July 2024 and is available over at bandcamp

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