Review: “Wounds of Desolation” by Isolert

In times of peace, prepare for war. That is the mantra of Greek Black Metal band Isolert who have spent the past four years conjuring a follow up to 2020’s well received “World In Ruins“. Aided and abetted by guitarist George S, a musician known for this prior convictions in both Herald and Kosmovorous who joined the ranks in 2021, it seems that their hands have been far from idle. While all around them there has been a mysterious silence, a search to create a more complex, demanding and ferocious sound has been undertaken. If that is achieved, will themes of misanthropy, death and hate continue to be a source of inspiration for a third burnt offering? Will their indicatable bloodlust finally be quenched? Mixed and mastered at Suncord Audiolab by Achilleas K. (Varathron) a new chapter begins for Isolert…

The journey begins with an instrumental in “The Downfall’s Monologue” which immediately pushes into Extreme Metal territory with lush lead guitar work that has an almost neoclassical quality to it. Rich in blast beats and underpinned by some almost ethereal choral chanting in the distance, it feels like Isolert have opened the doors to a church which they are about to burn to the ground. Then comes the ferocious “The End of Beauty” with an almost feral vocal performance from Panagiotis T during the first verse. His enraged screams wrapped in a whirlwind of percussion that make them feel all the more powerful. A Black ‘n Roll riff rises to the surface in between passages of blast beats, the quartet creating an atmosphere of epic grandeur as they rattle the very foundations with their onslaught. offering no respite “Flesh. Torn. Asunder!” plays out at the tempo of the damned, a bombastic bass line rumbling underneath violently abrasive guitars and skull splitting vocals. Isolert are the demon of the night, riding on horse back through the forest in the dead of night, preparing to behead anyone who should cross their path with a single motion of a sharpened blade. Their power and precision a testament to time dedicated to their craft, something which shines through the material like shafts of light through black clouds. A tale of the all consuming void “Where Dreams Die” provides another lethal dose like a march of death to self immolation. The lead guitars are stunning, elevating everything as the drums pummel you into submission, the occasional gang chanted moments adding to the sense of impending doom as the flames rise around everything you’ve ever loved.

Children of the Void” continues the combination of cold, harsh Black Metal with rich and fiery melody, allowing neither opposing force to fade. A majestic soundscape paints a vision of beauty on the walls of hell itself despite the caustic vocals, the guitars threating to spill into the virtuoso but never quite reaching that point. There are a few moments where something that feels like it has its roots elsewhere rises to the surface and the more well rounded “Spewing Venomous Gloom” is a fine example. There are riffs which feel like they have been stolen from a more Traditional Heavy Metal cut which give this one a more avant-garde sound as they are blended with the bands trademark blackened hostility. Channelling the spirit of bands like Gorgoroth and Dissection the rampage through the darkness that is “Herald of Demise” has a harsh spoken word passage with lyrics of despair and desolation preached in serpentine tongues. Another piece of epic majesty that ensures a high level of quality is maintained throughout the album, this one comes with a great sense of what the band have accomplished with this record. It’s nothing short of phenomenal and arguably the finest moment with its distinctive dark aura. One final nightmare remains in “Reflections of Nothingness“, a towering inferno of a funeral pyre which burns like a cauterised wound. A dance macabre with malevolent eyes that stare back at you from every corner, it has an almost unhinged vocal performance as if Panagiotis T is fighting demonic possession with all his might. As bleak as they come, this one is impaled in anguish with a violent demise its inevitable end [8.5/10]

Track Listing

  1. The Downfall’s Monologue (Intro)
  2. The End of Beauty
  3. Flesh. Torn. Asunder!
  4. Where Dreams Die
  5. Children of the Void
  6. Spewing Venomous Gloom
  7. Herald of Demise
  8. Reflections of Nothingness

Wounds of Desolation” by Isolert is out 13th September 2024 via Non Serviam Records and is available over at bandcamp

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