NEWS: fallfiftyfeet announce sophomore album “Counterfeit Reflections”!
Recorded with Andy Nelson (Weekend Nacos, Pain Of Truth, Whispers) at Bricktop Recordings and mastered by Kris Crummett (Sufferer, Elyose, The Devil Wears Prada) at Interlace Audio, a sophomore album “Counterfeit Reflections” by fallfiftyfeet is on the horizon for a 2nd May arrival. Balancing Metalcore with Melodic Alternative Metal the trio have built a reputation for themselves with a DIY or DIE approach, landing shows opening for Underoath and Seeyouspacecowboy in the process. The haunting afterlife becomes a stark reality in a music video for the title track, directed and edited by Eric DiCarlo (Bodysnatcher, Face Yourself).
Vocalist James Becca comments: “I wrote my parts to this song in the parking lot at work on smoke break. Thinking about how all I could do was just stare out into the clouds, trying to find a second of peace from everything that surrounded me on the ground. Not only a stressful job that eats at your soul, but the concrete and the smog and all the ugly that you can’t look away from. At least if you look up you can look away from the earth that we’ve taken for granted so badly.”