Review: “Undead” EP by H8teball

Originally forming in early 2017, Kirkcaldy, Scotland based five piece H8teball had to put the breaks on their plans for World domination due to the departure of their original drummer and vocalist. Filling those gaps proved tougher than you might think but after resolving the issue in early 2019, the new line-up of Daniel Shannon (Vocals), Atholl Wood (Lead Guitars), Scot Duff (Rhythm Guitars), Jahren Sherris (Bass) and Liam McDaid (Drums) dug into writing new material…

…the result of that was the band entering EFR Studios in Kirckaldy, Fife, Scotland where their “Undead” EP was recorded, mixed and mastered. Opening cut “Almighty” seamlessly blends Thrash and Death Metal riffs into a single brutal entity of dark atmospherics and swirling kit patterns from McDaid. New vocalist Shannon has that classic Death Metal roaring style but interestingly as “Unbreakable” kicks in, he shows a greater range and could easily turn his hand to some Nordic Black Metal should the opportunity arise, such is his pitching and skull crushing tone. The spoken word element in this cut is an interesting move but lends itself well to the melodic Death Metal bridge sandwiched between a pair of meaty riffs, an obvious single with a chantable chorus that will go down well live. “Black Mamba” sees the Scotsmen take a looser approach to the guitars with some Wildhearts esq moments that double back to Carcass esq riffs while the jackhammer footwork of McDaid during the final breakdown section is a a drill through the skull that brutally good when accompanied by Shannon’s lung busting roars. Saving the title track to last, “Undead” gallops along at a thunderous pace while its meaty solo adds a piece of slick style and attitude. It’s the tempo shifts in this one that make the track, letting out the throttle and then pulling it back with some Pantera esq drops before bathing us in feedback [7/10]

Track listing

  1. Almighty (3:52)
  2. Unbreakable (3:20)
  3. Black Mamba (4:13)
  4. Undead (3:57)

Undead” EP by H8teball is out now and available over at bandcamp

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