NEWS: Thrasherwolf like nothing more than a good old fashioned beating?

Adorned by cover artwork from Andrei Bouzikov (Municipal WasteNervosaAutopsy) having been recorded with Andy Brook at The Brook Studios (Status QuoSubhumansRestarts) and mastered by Patrick W Engel (CandlemassDestructionSodom), 4th October will see the arrival of a new album from Thrasherwolf. Titled “Inside The Sickened Mind“, it will be followed by a cassette edition via Vicious Witch Records a month after its release with “G.B.H (Gratuitous Bodily Harm)” the first single. Be warned.

The band comment: “G.B.H is an exploration, an exploration of the concept of human violence against each other for various different reasons and situations; be that in the name of belief, rebellion or pure hatred. The song speaks about violence as if it is an inherent part of the human instinct, something that in modern times must be repressed as humanity advances itself and become more civilised. The violence in this case comes in the form a force, an entity, a being that exists within all waiting to come out and make itself known when we are at our most oppressed and hateful. Have we not all been in a situation before? Betrayed, abandoned, hurt by someone in our lives who has done us wrong. A cheating lover, a low-life mugger or an extremely oppressive boss? Some horrible event on the news caused by a malicious person with no heart? Ever wanted to feel what it would be like to be in a room with these people for just 5 minuets? This song, explains all. The song follows an individual, caught in the process of feeling such violence. His limits broken, his positivity tested beyond belief and dwelling on the thoughts within. The hatred brewing, the shadow lurking and the chase he is giving the subject of his aggression ending with the inevitable.”


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