NEWS: Misanthropic Aggression begin a political campaign…

Atlanta Georgia based Crust-tinged Blackened Death Metal protagonists Misanthropic Aggression have been preparing themselves for War after their EP “Reset“. Once again ably aided and abetted by Boris Records, the duo will unveiling a debut full length album on 15th October with the title track “Insect Politics” now streaming. Mastered by Damian “Shazgoroth” Herring (Horrendous, Blood Incantation, Hellripper) it will be available on translucent 12″ red vinyl LP. Pre-orders are of course available over at bandcamp.

The band comment: “We are more than pleased to finally be releasing the album of Insect Politics. The vision that ultimately became this recording was initially conceived in early 2020 immediately after production wrapped up on the ‘Alcoholic Polyneuropathic Freaks in Hell’ single. It feels almost an eternity ago that these events came to pass, with a global pandemic descending upon us and completely upheaving the state of the band, as well as the numerous life events that followed.

The one constant in this time for Chris [T. Hammer] and Jake [Benedict], as our planned tour evaporated and local gigs dried up, was the prospect of recording the songs for release in our very first full-length. The actual composition of the tracks seems almost a blur, with three of the first songs written occurring in a matter of months in the early stages of the pandemic and being recorded and mixed by mid-2021, and the remainder of the songs being composed by late 2021. 

However, the production to finish recording that last set of songs proved a major challenge, as we set out to create our most ambitious and uncompromising structures yet. What resulted exceeded even our own expectations and initial vision. As we wrapped up post-production, both of us noted that this album truly represents an ending: a conclusion of what we initially set out to do in 2017, which was to marry our artistic influences — the Celtic Frosts and the Graves and the His Heroes are Gone and the Morbid Angels… and the Impetigos… — into a cohesive and novel expression which was singular, sharp, and pointed in its rebellion against the wrongs of humanity, and simultaneously broad in its footprint, sonic approach, and modes of worship. But, every ending is also a beginning, and we also realized that selections from this album contain the blueprint for the next era of the band.  The assault will continue….”

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