Founded in 2018 by guitarist Ben Kaiser who at the time was finishing up his college football career playing offensive line at NC State, WoR was initially an escape from the rigors of the sport. By Spring 2019 they had shared stages up and down the South East of the US with played with the
How many guest appearances can a vocalist clock up? Chris Fronzak of Attila must have reached 3 figures by now with the likes of Tom Barber of Chelsea Grin, CJ McMahon of Thy Art Is Murder and CJ McCreery of Lorna Shore all working towards all working towards that unlikely of goals. This time around
Emmure frontman Frankie Palmeri has teamed up with Ev0lution to respond to Atilla‘s “Callout 2” with brand new EDM industrial crossover metal track “Callout 3”. For our money, the current Emmure album “Look At Yourself” is their finest work to date (check out our review) and Frankie didn’t need to stoop to Chris Fronzak’s level