Tag: Black Metal Werewolf

Documentary: Its all about the romance for Black Metal Werewolf!

If may not be Valentine’s Day but that hasn’t stopped Canadian Black Metal Werewolf opting to provide us with some tips and tricks for Metal romance in the latest episode of his long running documentary series. The best way of course is to get yourself a battle vest upon which to display one of his

Documentary: A Metalhead’s Wishlist from Black Metal Werewolf!

…with the recommendation of “Morgana” by Power Metal act Warkings the return of Canadian Black Metal Werewolf this week finds him bringing us a wishlist of intrigue. Not Will Smith Blue Genie in a lamp wishlist but a few little things that could make the Planet Metal a better place. Like beer being cold, coffee

Documentary: Black Metal Werewolf talks Battle Vests!

Alongside the recommendation of 2001’s “Poets And Madmen“, the eleventh studio album by American Heavy Metal act Savatage, Canadian Black Metal Werewolf has returned with a documentary featurette about the humble battle vest. Who doesn’t love a battle vest? It’s not a sales pitch either because while the World and his wife want to sell

Documentary: The Metalhead’s Fallacy with Black Metal Werewolf!

Alongside the recommendation of “The God Machine” by Blind Guardian, Canadian Black Metal Werewolf has shared a piece discussing The Metalhead’s Fallacy. Offering intriguing insight into the phenomena it makes for the kind of viewing that makes you go “Hmmm…” while at the same timing cleverly distracting you from the day to day bs that

Documentary: Metalhead Arrogance from Black Metal Werewolf!

After the Halloween season and alongside theĀ  recommendation of “The Great Heathen Army” from Amon Amarth comes a fresh documentary from Canadian Black Metal Werewolf about Metalhead Arrogance and how people take their love of something to the nth degree. The kind of featurette that will leave you to question your surroundings and pause for

Documentary: Terms According to Metalheads?

Another weekend, another intriguing documentary from Canadian theorist Black Metal Werewolf. This time out it’s all about understanding the terms we use from day to day in what you might term Metal slang. We all do it, think someone knows what the hell we’re talking about when we say “did you get in your blues