Tag: Consecration

Bootleg: Consecration at the Louis Marchesi Crypt!

After much teasing the return of Norwich Death Doom beasts Consecration to the stage saw them at Louis Marchesi Crypt on 4th July. The sold out show which saw them supporting Coffin Mulch has had something created for the archive with footage of tracks “Echoes Of The Dead“, “The Charnel House“, “Cast Down For The Burning”

Playthrough: “Ground To Ashes (A Cremulation)” from Consecration!

If you missed it, the Death Doom darkness of the new Consecration album “Cinis” is one that demands the attention, so guitarists Liam Houseago and Andy Matthews give a demonstration of their parts of the song ‘Ground To Ashes’, one of the album highlights which as it happens also features a guest vocal appearance from

Review: “Cinis” by Consecration

There can be no understating how challenging it can be to find replacement musicians when your band is a going concern but in 2021 it became clear that for Consecration they had finally found that missing piece of the puzzle in guitarist Andy Matthews when they resurrected a trio of long since buried cuts and

NEWS: Consecration escape The Charnel House?

The time has come for Consecration to reveal a second single from their forthcoming new album “Cinis” for Redefining Darkness Records. Accompanied by what can only be described as a video, rich with dark and unnerving imagery,  ‘The Charnel House‘ is the one they have chosen and it happens to be one of the heaviest

NEWS: Consecration redefine darkness with “Cinis”?

After November witnessed their reanimation Norwich purveyors of darkness Consecration have been an outfit whom we’ve been waiting patiently for the next move from and with “The Dweller In The Tumulus” that patience has been rewarded handsomely. What’s more, that’s just the tip of the iceberg as the band who brought us such grim and

Review: “Reanimated” by Consecration

Sometimes unfinished business lingers at the back of the mind, a source of frustration that is marked on a list as something to resolve on a rainy day which never comes. For Consecration, the arrival of guitarist Andy Matthews who joined the ranks of the coven in early 2019 served a the prime opportunity revisit

NEWS: Consecration premier “Cast Down For The Burning MMXXI”!

On one cold autumn night Consecration entered their rehearsal studio and thundered through three prime examples of their new necromantic rituals, recording them raw and live in single takes. ‘Cast Down For The Burning MMXXI’ and ‘Gut The Priest MMXXI’ are black abominations, warped children of tracks that appeared on the band’s 2010 debut EP