Animated by Tony Celano, Grammy Award nominated Progressive Metallers Between The Buried And Me have released a music video for their most recent single, “Fix The Error”. The song, which features drum solos from Mike Portnoy (Dream Theatre), Navene Koperweis (Machine Head) and Ken Schalk (Candiria), is the first to be heard from the highly anticipated new album, ‘Colors II‘, which promises a sequel to the bands most critically
This week Brazilian Thrash Metallers Sepultura have gone one bigger than the last six and brought on board not one but two special guests for the “Quadra” Q&A series. This time out, drummer Eloy Casagrande, who joined the band in 2013 takes the lead and is joined by drumming legend Mike Portnoy (Dream Theatre, Avenged
Complete with cover art that looks as though it was inspired by the best video games of the late 90’s, “LV1”, the debut full length album from Leo Viridi sees him joined by a host of guests. He’s posted this guitar playthrough video for instrumental “Disillusioned” which saw him play with ex-Megadeth drummer Shaun Drover