Tag: Empyrean Fire

Review: “Deliverance” by Empyrean Fire

A concept album that reshapes the work of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and “Paradise Regained” after years of rumination from frontwoman Tricia Myers forms the backbone of the debut album of Portland, Oregon trio Empyrean Fire as she is joined by guitarist, bassist and programmer Jason Yorke and synth master Brian Rush. Yorke also mixed and

NEWS: Empyrean Fire prepare for the “Gathering Storm”!

A second single from “Deliverance”, the work of  Portland Oregon Symphonic Black Metallers Empyrean Fire has surfaced. Following the impressive “Corruption“, the band have shared a visualiser for “Gathering Storm” both of which are available over at bandcamp as immediate downloads in exchange for a pre-order. A concept release, the album re-imagines  Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and

NEWS: Empyrean Fire set for “Deliverance”!

Another band yet to set the release date for an album are Portland Oregon Symphonic Black Metallers Empyrean Fire. What they have given us is a the cover art for “Deliverance” (original painting by Gustav Dore) as well as a single in the form of “Corruption“, which is available over at bandcamp. Frontwoman Tricia Myers