Tag: Eschalon

NEWS: You can’t deny Eschalon!

Treating each single release as an EP release has helped put road warriors Eschalon on the map, the six piece from Cambridge smashing each one out of the park to score a home run. This time out they have tag teamed in former TesseracT vocalist Ashe O’Hara for “Denial” while once again using the skills

Playthrough: “Delirium” from Eschalon!

…with a helping hand from Meyrick de la Fuente (Exist Immortal, Vexed) at Floodgate Audio and Jake Ten behind the camera, Eschalon have shared a guitar playthrough video for recent single “Delirium“. Playing anywhere and everywhere including Rabidfest in Oxford last year while at the same time waterfall releasing singles has made them ones to

NEWS: Hacktivist bring DJent to April!

They might not have quite yet completed a sold out run with The Home Team and Andres but that hasn’t stopped DJentlemen Hacktivist from announcing their next move. April 2025 will see the band, who sold their souls to crooks and criminals, playing their first headlining shows since 2022 and joining them on the trio

NEWS: Swarmed Vs Eschalon!

Over the past two years Swarmed have been beating us around the bonce with DJent fuelled Metalcore, clocking up 19.2k of Spotify and YouTube streams combined for their March released single “God Of Gods“. In a tag team moment worthy of the WWE hall of fame they’ve brought onboard Eschalon for one called “Deterrent” and

Live Review: Rabidfest 2024 Day #2 (Sunday)!

After the drunken debauchery of Saturday there are more than a few who have arrived at The Bullingdon for Sunday with sore heads. Partaking in hair of the dog is obligatory as they prepare to witness another 10 bands on the Devolution Magazine sponsored main stage. The Sophie Lancaster Foundation will be proud as the

NEWS: Osiah look to make it a (Death) March to remember in 2025?

Northern Technical Deathcore merchants and Bloodstock survivors Osiah have announced a run of six United Kingdom shows for March 2025 to get them warmed up for their European tour with Cytotoxin. The later run will see them decimating the weak in Germany, Belgium and France over eleven nights hilariously dubbed the “Circle Pitournium” tour in

Live Review: Rabidfest 2024 Day #1 (Saturday)!

After all the build up including a billboard at Bloodstock Open Air in the summer, this years sixth incarnation of Rabidfest feels like Christmas has come early, which makes The Bullingdon Santa’s grotto. Everything is primed and ready, the banner behind the stage and back line kit ready to go and a stack of merch

Rabidfest 2024: Breaking Down The Bands #20: Forlorn!

This years incarnation of Rabidfest maybe almost upon us but there is still time to grab yourself, a friend, a family member or even a neighbour a ticket. You might not consider two days of wall to wall Metal of various flavours the ideal first date, but why not? What’s the worst that can happen?

Rabidfest 2024: Breaking Down The Bands #19: Rats Eat Rats!

Believe it or not, at the time of writing there are just 59 days until Christmas. That means, with Halloween just around the corner, there are just 7 days until this years sixth incarnation of Rabidfest takes place at The Bullingdon over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd November. 20 bands, 2 days, 1