Tag: Expelled into Suffering

Review: “Expelled into Suffering” by Assimilator

Hailing from Fort Wayne Indiana, American Old School Death Thrash masters Assimilator maybe more familiar to you than you might think. That’s because since their inception in 2016 they spent a year known as LazerWulf before spending five years known as Death On Fire before rebranding for a third time. These days the band comprises

NEWS: Assimilator to bring Death Metal 2 The Masses in June!

Keeping their promise, two months after they unveiled the artwork for “Expelled Into Suffering“, a new EP from Indiana old school Thrashing Death Metal destroyers Assimilator, Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have given us a first single. Conjoined to pre-orders including merch bundles over at bandcamp the track is titled “I Am“, one of four

NEWS: Assimilator warn of a scorching summer!

Old School Death Thrash masters Assimilator have inked a deal in blood with Horror Pain Gore Death Productions for the release of a new EP titled “Expelled into Suffering“. Described as an unapologetic return to their dirtier brand of the New Wave of American Death Metal roots and a raw and intense experience, the four